Helena Vondráčková | Oficiální internetové stránky
A Time for Us
14. září 1973
Love Theme from Romeo and Juliet
na nosičích uvedeno taktéž jako:
- Milostné téma z Romea a Julie
- Romeo and Juliet
- ロミオ と ジュリエット (Romeo and Juliet)
Hudba: Nino Rota
Text: Larry Kusik a Eddie Snyder
Text: Larry Kusik a Eddie Snyder
» z filmu Romeo and Juliet / Romeo a Julie
A time for us
Some day there´ll be
When chains are torn by courage
Born of a love that´s free
A time when dreams
So long denied
Can flourish as we
Unveil the love we now must hide
A time for us at last to see
A life worth while for you and me
And with our love
Through tears and thorns
We will endure as we pass
Surely through ev´ry storm
A time for us some day there be
A new world
A world of shining hope for you and me
A time for us at last to see
A life worth while for you and me
And with our love
Through tears and thorns
We will endure as we pass
Surely through ev´ry storm
A time for us some day there be
A new world
A world of shining hope for you and me